The Broadcasters' Desktop Resource

This Week’s Newsletter

Greetings from your broadcast friends out on the Desert…
This is BDR Newsletter 777, Volume 15, #50 for July 10, 2024

Here are some things you might want to know about:

Q2 I&P
Today is the day. If you have not uploaded your Q2 I&P by today, the FCC might be checking. Just in case you think the FCC is going to excuse lateness, check out the story here. A NCE operator has been popped with an Order to pay $16,500. The FCC did not accept an excuse.

The amount of programming that can be simulcast by two FMs in the same area will be reduced by the FCC’s latest Rules change.  Commercial FM stations that are commonly owned and share overlapping coverage areas. will not longer be able duplicateg more than 25% of their programming. The effective date is August 2nd (with a grace period of 6 months). AM stations are not affected.

We know that a regular inspection is the best way to keep your towers standing straight up. However, while there are some things you can find and fix when inspecting your tower site – there are some things that you really need to call a competent tower crew to take care of do they are done right.

Bob Jellison from PPM Telecom is our guest this week. He will do a show and tell of what to look for and when to call in the experts.  This will be an interesting discussion from ground level and up on the tower, showing some things you might not have seen or noticed.

2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific … Come join us and look through the eyes of an experienced tower crew. The link for the requests is at