The idea is to bring some clarity to the issues and answer your questions.
For more detail on EAS and some Q&A, please check the EAS Issues.
1/8/25 – The FCC’s PSHSB is now requiring wireless providers that participate in WEA to implement multilingual templates that alert originators can choose to send during life-threatening emergencies
10/1/24 – As you know, there will be no EAS NPT this year, but this week is the deadline to check the Form One for your station(s). The forms should be mostly filled in, but you may need to update some items. Recognizing the tremendous problems, especially in the SouthEast, the FCC has now issued a Public Notice extending the reporting deadline to the 18th of October. Nevertheless, everyone should endeavor to get the form filed right away.
8/8/24 – The FCC, as expected, has voted to add MEP (Missing and Endangered Persons) to the EAS and WEA codes. Supported by Native Americans – who statistically are at a disproportionate risk of violencs, murder, or vanishing – the initiative should be especially helpful to tribal communities.
8/6/24 – The FCC has announced the 2024 Form One sumission period is now open on the ETRS.
The purpose of Form One is to update station information – especially the contractd person for EAS matters. More info – and the link to the ETRS.
As of this date, the FCC and the FEMA has not announced that an NPT will be conducted in 2024.
5/15/24 – Ready Alert – Canada’s version of the EAS in the US, was tested over the past two weeks. Most of the country did it last week, Ontario was this week. Most reports are that the test was successful.
This week, it was Ontario’s turn. The test showed up mid-day on cell phones and Alert receivers. Take a look (Thanks, Ken Fine).
4/22/24 – The OPAWS CAP certificate has been changed, so if you suddenly stopped receiving the RWT or other materials from IPAWS, you need to have the certificate in your EAS receiver updated. Check withy your manufacturer to get the directions for the download.
2/6/24 – Sage alerting has announced the release of their version 96 software, to comply with the FCC’s latest orders. Additionally, the April certificate for the FEMA is included.
Digital Alert Systems has the April certificate on its website – a free download, as does Gorman-Redlich.
All users should be up-to-date and compliant y March 11th.
1/29/24 – Starting April 14, 2024, EAS users will install a new certificate to receive IPAWS CAP alerts. Without the update, the weekly tests and alerts sent through the FEMA system will not be received by stations. This is a free update for all U.S. DASDEC and One-Net users, and the new certificate is fully functional right now, so you are advised to replace the current certificate to ensure the required message authentication continues to operate correctly.