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Good Stuff to Know

GSTK – Good Stuff To Know

Here is some information that should be in your personal notebook – where to find and get

Disaster Recovery Help

Disaster Recovery Assistance

When bad things happen, it is good to know where you can turn for quick assistance. Here are some resources.

NAB Showcase

NAB Showcase

A lot of great equipment and services would have been shown at NAB this year. Since the convention was called off,

Manufacturers’ News

News from the Manufacturers

  • GatesAir

    8/26/24 – GatesAir will be

This Week

This Week’s Newsletter

Greetings from your broadcast friends out on the Desert…
This is BDR Newsletter 788, Volume 16, #8 for September 25,

BDR Spotlight

Here Is Something You Should Know More About:

LinkUp Communications

Sorry …  The promotion is officially over. Congrats to Jason Yaser for winning

Quick Takes

Quick Takes

Things going on in and outside the Broadcast Industry or elsewhere that might interest you.

  • BMI

    11/1/23 – BMI has been